Ascendant or 1st house or bhava by -birth chart 1st bhava by celebrity Indian Astrologers

We follow Indian Vedic astrology principles for preparing astrological reading. The Indian Vedic Astrology system is the most accurate.

The first house of birth chart or ascendant represents:

1. 1st house is called the ascendant and rising sign.

2. It reveals the inner self of a person, the way he/she behave with the people surrounding them.

3. Ascendant explores the negative and positive attributes of a person and his personality.

4. It tells us about the appearance and looks of a person and his body structure.

5. Ascendant reveals the inner and outside beauty of an individual.

6. It executes the brain of a person, basically the cranium of the brain.

7. It plays a role in the temperament and behavior of a person and the way he or she takes decisions at different circumstances.

8. Ascendant also tells us about recognitions he/she would get.

9. It reveals some of the health issues as well.

9. Ascendant also gives us the idea about the features of the a native.

9. It tells us about the complexion and physical stature a person would have.

9. Ascendant explores the abilities, attributes and tendencies of an individual.

9. It also comprises the aspects of dignity, honor and reverence he would get in his life time.

9. Ascendant informs us about the span of life a person would spend on this earth.

Other points decided by the first house of birth chart are Physical stature, colour, form and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigour, natural dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle for life, honour, dignity, prosperity, general well being, head, upper part of the face, virtues, longevity, start in life and an idea about the general structure of life.

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